Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Someting Orange by Cinderella

Orange. A color that cannot be described. No one really gets it, and no one knows how to feel when they see it. At this moment, I knew what orange felt like. It was undescribable. I dove. Down deep into that orange ocean. We were being attacked. Bombs everywhere. Im frozen. Not able to make a single movement. Terror has strucken my face. I will die a death, that no one can stop. Im not going to run. Im not going to hide. This is my punishment that willnot come again. A bomb hits my head and I sink. Thats all I've ever done is sink. I havent tried to stop it. I just let it come. That was my problem. That is why im being punished. My watch ticks faster. It hits the 3. My time is up. Im out of breath and I can sink no lower.
Please comment!!!! Do you like the story????? Should I continue???? Please comment!!!

What's Words to You? #420

Words can be put in many different ways. Its so different to imagine yourself put in a place were you are "called out of your name" but yet its surrounding you, many people get "called out of their name." But its seems we only choose to sit back and watch it happen, never thinking to do something about it. I once heard of someone saying words are "things" they are on the walls, they are all around you waiting to jump out at anytime, and over take you, to take your words away, to replace your's with "them." Words are so strong it almost makes it feel like they could hurt more then your feelings, words have a way of digging deep, and killing you almost eating you alive. Though many may say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That will never be true. Those words, are only to prove otherwise. Why not be the one to show that you can be the one to save your words, and never let them be taken away.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Story! By D.D.W

Once upon a time... there was an anteater with three eyes. Luckily, that is not what our story is about. Fine, onceupon a time there was a maroon robot who was obsessed with potatoes. The lack of potatoes on planet Earth hurt him, almost too much to continue this so called life. So instead he journeyed to the stupid state, Idaho and stoleevery single potato they had. Munchilous (the robot) seemed to suck the life out of the potatoes, making them soulless, umemotional, terrifying monsters.... like Munchilous himself. So after eating every soulless, jejune, andincredibly boring potato, he ventured out to find his dream house, The Starship Enterprise. Yet, of course everyone with even the slightest hint of a brain would know that the Starship is in fact not a home, but a vehicle used to travel through out space in search of new life. But a trailer is indeed a vehicle AND a home, so really, The Starship Enterprise does work! Munchilous sat down while decapitating a potato and began to construe a plan to invade the ship. Once, he had figured out his most brilliant plan ever, a wild red hippo came charging at him. Using the potato he grasped in his hand, he made a sharp point, and with a strategic arm, he threw the potato and blinded the hippo. The hippo ran out of control and ran into a gigantic tree and lay still as a rock. Dead; Muncalious was a murderer. He had realized that this was the first thing he had ever been guilty for, (other than the fact thathe had stolen every potato from Idaho) knowing this, he fled. He ran faster then he had ever run before, causing every hing in his metallic body to ache. He ran and ran, not knowing exactly where he was going, but before he could figure out where, he tripped upon a potato and lay as still as the hippo. The potato had sharp teeth and black bulging eyes, that was the end of our potato.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Afternoon Surroundings

I peered down to what I was pretending to read.
Looking up, our eyes shook hands.
His pair looked away as if a sparkle caught it,
while mine lingered, starring still.
Butterflies assembled together like a puzzle.
There was as many of them in my gut as there were stars in the sky.
That was a fact.
I looked up once again, attempting to catch a smile possibly.
But he continued carrying on a sweet melody as he stroked the black and white keys.
Ballerinas drifted along with great grace and perfection to his song.
I watched, mesmerized by the stunning surroundings of such beautiful humans.
The dance pictured a story as the music spoke, narrating every word.
The only thing my body allowed me to do was sit and watch as
jealousy consumed me in one whole bite.


Thursday, 17 November 2011

Perspective: The Diary of Penny Penciltop by #42

Dear Diary,

Today was the worst day of my entire life! It started out pretty good but, that's only how it started. As I was cradled in between warm fingers, I heard a short but crisp crunching sound. I noticed how other pencils were being broken in half! Then, out of nowhere, my neck was in pain! It was excruciating! I was being strangled by my owner, Bob! Then came the abuse! Not gripping, no, ABUSE in the first pencil-degree. I was bitten, dropped, thrown, borrowed and.......sharpened!
Here I am being shoved into an electrical "pencil sharpener"! It was not a pencil sharpener; at least, not to me. I'm not even sure what I did to deserve it either! It should've been called "the hole of torture" as far as I'm concerned! My face was being shaved, and I'm pretty sure I'm a girl; girls don't shave their faces! Then as I nearly gave up all hope that I'd never get out, and would be ground until there was simply nothing left of me, I was let out! I was temporarily blinded by the light as I came out.
I, Penny Penciltop, will seek vengeance!...or die shortly after going crazy.I'm forever traumatized and doomed for the rest of my pencil-life.

-Penny Penciltop

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The Duties Of Being His Daughter By Madison Stauffer

Click. The door slammed shut with no intention of opening. The dreadful tears streamed down my face. Goodbye. The word that I had said to many times. The limo began to drive into the deadly sunset. Sunsets. The thing in which something happy ends, and sad begins. I tried to resist the temptation to look back. My heart won. I turned around to see the picture I had feared the most. Nothing. Of course nothing is better than something. If he would have been their, I might I have crashed the car so I wouldnot live. Then again, I might not see another light in the sky if my father continues his plan. Father. The word in which anger crosses my path. He will kill all my loved ones by tomorrow. Loved ones. Him. These words cross my mind, and hurt my heart. Love is such a fragile thing that we must take care of it. I had it once, but I lost it. All because of my father. You see, to him, their are certain duties that his only daughter must attend to. I will dissapoint him now. My suitcase breaks through the window and skids off the cars back. Right behind it, I roll off the shiny black medal and roughly fall. I raise my gun from my pocket and shoot the bullet towards the gas tank. Ka-boom. The sound in which relief comes. I stand and brush off blood from my arm. I turn. Running. Faster and faster. I will find that piece that was cut out of my heart, and sew it back in. This time I will take care of this fragile love. This time my father will not win. Because no matter how fragile love is, hatred and anger, always lose.
Is this worth continuing? Do you like my writing? Please comment!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

I think this is a supurb saying. by #44

" I trust everyone, it's the devil inside them I don't trust."
-The Italian Job (movie)

Story Start: Do you think this is worth pursuing? #44

I am not like most people. My parents are dead because of course they were abnormal too. I am heavily guarded by this secret agency that is so secret in fact that I don't know anything about them. Trust me I wish I knew more but as I said before I am clueless.
When I was born I was given a... Uh... let's just say a gift. I was given USB drive. I know I know confusing right? I didn't understand it either the first time it was explained to me. Here let me start at the beginning, I mean the VERY beginning... (to be continued) Tell me: Is this worth continuing? Are you interested? Or should I keep this idea of a story to myself?

A clocks perspective. #422

You can't imagine how humiliating it can be for a clock when our batteries die. I mean it's not our fault if we stop or our time isn't correct! But that's not what those humans think. They're always saying things like, "I hate my clock."Or, (the one that hurts me the most is...) "It's broken!" I AM NOT BROKEN! I'm only giving my arms and hands a rest. So be patient and wait a while before you replace me. Humans do not understand anything about clocks and that we too have feelings! To understand what hard stuff we have to do just to keep humans on the right track, hold one of your arms in the same spot for an hour while rotating your other arm a quarter of an inch every minute. Now do this all day, every day! Hard stuff, right?

One of my pet peives as a clock, (yes clocks do have pet peives) is when they're some people who think staring at the clock makes time go by faster, well it doesn't. As a clock, having people stare at me can really hurt a clocks confidence!...At least that's what happens with me. Ever sice a teenager sat down and stared straight at me for almost fourty-five mintes I have started to compare myself, to other clocks! I really do get jealous when i see clocks with fancy hands, wood on the outside with a glass cover instead of being all plastic (like me)... and last of all roman numerals. Don't get with those roman numerals. Ugh, those kind of clocks think they're the most important thing in the world and that they always have the correct time. The truth is they do not! So next time you gome started to the store to buy a clock don't just go for the looks, think as if you were the clock. How would you feel? Then make your final desicion. :) :)
Comment if you think Ms. Lafortune is just a delightful and lovely teacher...

Saturday, 5 November 2011

My Day at the Pool by #412(:

The deep end looked deep turquiose. Meaning more water, meaning more dense, meaning more likely to drown me to death. Ugh, why do my folks keep nagging me to go off the diving board so they can take a picture? Umm, no! Of course everybody knows that the diving board is located directly over the deep end! There is no way, I will ever, go near those trechorous waves.
The deep end reminds me of a sorrowful memory of the beach. My sister Olivia and I were dancing in the cool waves. And suddenly out of absoulute no where, a riptide dragged my dearest sister Olivia out to the mercyless waves. A life-gaurd, by the name of Pat, saved her, and now she is married to him and they lived happily ever after. I know, I know there was a happy ending, but think of the conflict. She could have died! The clueless deep end has no idea what its powerful waters could do to such an innocent human being!
Yet, I had to do it. The diving board waited for me patiently (which I did not like at all). Yuck, its sea-green color looked like it had been splashed with sea-weed juice and vommit. I crawled ever so slowly up the ladder and stepped to the edge. The deep end awaits me. Only God knows my fate. Here, I, go! Splash! My cannon ball sent waves splashing over the sides of the pool! When I doggy-paddled back to the stairs, happy water licked my pruned toes. I did it. I conquered the deep end and now it had no power of my fears. Ha!
And if I must say, the picture turned out fabulous!

Friday, 4 November 2011

I LOVE this quote! :)

Love the life you live.
Live the life you love.

~ Bob Marley

If you're in Ms. Parker's class, you already saw this today, but everyone else: isn't this an awesome quote?! I think so... :)

<3 / Sydney Durrant

What Lies in the Woods -by #412

"Stay out of the woods!" my mother always told me. I always wanted to listen, but the woods were so intruiging and tempting that staying away from them seemed like a deathly sin. And what brings me here today is to tell you, that I should of listened. For what lies in the woods, is the deathly sin in itself.
You know how all of our older siblings like to tell us ghost stories? The really eery ones about mass murderers and cannibilistic old guys, well those don't compare to what lies in the woods. Let me tell you, what lies in the woods is much eerier than a bunch of murderers and old guys.
I bet you are just dying to know what it looks like? Only a couple have seen and survived to tell. All of those poor, honest souls have been stuck in asylums and therapy because nobody believes them! I tell you, it's real, as real as the sun, the moon and the grass beneath your feet! It's as realistic as can be. Trust me, the thing has jet black, oily skin, when it first touches you with its curious fingers, you tingle and twitch because it feels like you are touching freezing cold oil, and you don't know what to make of it. And when it speaks, you can here it as clear as day, but its voice sounds as high-pitched as nails on a chalk-board and it makes you grimace and wince in its presence. Oh, and the claws! Longer than yard-sticks, and as sharp as the tip of a thorn. And when they touch each other, it sounds like sharp knives pressing into each others blades! You better believe it.
Please do not venture into the woods, if you do not believe me, let's see how fast you can run as it chases you. They say nothing is impossible, but I mean running faster than that thing, is. Children, please listen closely now, because for what lies in the woods, may be the last thing you see. Believe me.

The Life of a Rug by #412

Rugs. Underestimated for their look. Nobody cares about the poor things, they just step on them non-stop without saying sorry. Cruel right? Well, being a 'throw rug', it's more difficult, so I'm going to change our position! And I'm starting with hiding.
People don't know this, but rugs and carpets can move. You wonder how there is a corner flipped up in the morning when it wasn't at night? Well, that is cause we did that to confuse you monsterous human beings. You should see your faces, your pathetic, pale faces!
If you decide to don't listen to this message, we will either attack you, and smother you in your sleep! Muahahaha! Yet, there is another proposition, we will stay here as rugs, and suffer under your footsteps, as long as you vacuum us twice a week. If you do not follow, we will hurt you. Severly.
--Beware, your rugs...
P.S. Don't freak out and throw us away, because we know how to open garbage cans and how to crawl out of fires, and trust us, you don't want a burning rug crawling towards you. Thank you.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

A Beautiful Book
By Anna Heaton P. 2

Everyone is always saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover" but they do not realize how hard that can be sometimes. I had an experience with this in my 6th grade year. There was a girl who neither my friends or I liked. For the sake of privacy, I'm going to call the girl Suzie. Suzie was just a regular girl who kept trying to make friends, but wasn't very successful. If anything, though, she was persistent. At the time, we didn't know this about her so we only associated with her when it was required.

Then, gradually our view of her changed. It's like when you look at a painting for the first time. At first it seems insipid, and lacking in detail or color. Then, when you take the time to truly understand it and the care that went into creating it, you realize that it is beautiful, vibrant and amazing. This is what happened to us. We started talking to her more in class and actually considering her an acquaintance. One experience sped up that process.

We were ice skating for a field trip. We had all been put in the same level except for her. She seemed disappointed but we didn't really notice. We thought she would be okay because she was with one of her other friends. We didn't see the whole conversation but her "friend" ended up making her cry. You could see the crystalline drops creeping down her cheeks and the red surrounding her cheeks from far away. We made a mental decision then and there that we would be friends with this girl. She needed someone to hang out with and we thought that we could fit the bill.

Looking back on that now I can tell that this girl Suzie was a true "diamond in the rough." At first, we didn't want to associate with her but when we realized her true beauty, we could look past our original thoughts about her. I'm glad for that day because if it had not happened, we would have let a golden opportunity trickle through our fingers like water through a pipe. And now I am sure that "reading" Suzie was the best decision that my friends and I ever made.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

money cant buy dreams, but dreams can buy money..

A Tree's Perspective by # 21

I felt the vibration coming from the child's mouth as she climbed playfully around my branches. I sensed a tingle pass through my leaves as the child gradually got higher and higher. My roots got tense when the young girl suddenly began to jump from branch to branch. Clasping on to me every time she landed on a different limb.

The little girl slowly started to work her way down. I thank her oh so much, for not breaking any of my branches. As she reached about half way down, I finally allowed my roots to relax. The girl's feet melted onto the grass below in relief that she'd made her journey to the top of me and back safely. And now I will wait for the next climber.

The perspective of an Irsh ship. By:Jake Pattison

All I see through my painted eyes in the early morning a fine mist coveringthe whole bay. I've been at bay for days on end, I've begun to think that my captian has left me to rot. But what is that I see coming through the mist? Is it my captian come to sail me acrost the Caribbean Sea? No it is not him it is only some little old homeless guy hobbling along like a drunk. My spirits fall like the waves in a storm. I begin to wonder if he was caught by the Royal Navy. He is a pirate lord after all.
All of a sudden I see him through my right eye. The part of the crew that left with him are running behind him as he scurries down the dock. Bang! I hear gun shots and some of the crew screach in agony. I watch as some of them stumble to the edge of the dock and fall off dead. I feel fear for my captian and wonder what he did wrong this time.
I hear the captian shout for the crew to man the cannons and to get Littl' Lassie's chain shot ready to fire. I feel the crews cold bare feet on my deck as they scurrie about to follow my captian's orders. Some of them lower the gang plank to let the crew run up. I hear another round of gun shots and watch as my captian screams in agony but keeps running.
I feel the gang plank shake and sway under the pounding of so many feet. My captian gives the order to fire the chain shot at the Navy men following behind him. I hear the boom and feel myself sway as the chain shot from Littl' Lassie jolts the cannon. My captian gives the order to get out of there as fast as the wind itself. The crew begin to ply my oars and get me away from the dock.
As we leave the harbor I hear a boom come from the distance. I look backwards to see a cannon ball falling towards us. I feel the splash of sea water as the cannon ball misses my aft by inches. I hear another boom but this time it came from the sky. I feel the wind start to pick up and a few splashes of water. But this time it's not from a cannon ball. I look up to see a thunder head aproaching as if the devil himself were after it.
I hear another boom but this time closer. Then I see the flash of light as the lighting hits the water a mile away. I hear another boom but yet again it's from the rear. I look back to see there is no way that the cannon ball can miss me. I feel a sharp stabbing pain as the ball goes flying through my aft cabin window and explodes.
I feel another stabbing pain but this time it's followed by a loud boom that was a lot like a hundred drums and cymbals all being played at once. This time though the pain is there to stay as I realize that my mast has lit on fire. Another boom sounds form the rear and this time I'm scared to look back. But a moment later as I feel the pain I realize that it has gone through my hold just below sea level.
I begin to realize that I'm about to die. I begin to worry if I didn't serve my captian well. I begin to worry if he will make it to the longboats in time or if he will go down with his ship. Just before I sink into the abyss I see that my captian is safe and that the storm has begun to calm. My final wish is that my captian who used me well will be safe when he returns to the main land and then, I sank into the eternal abyss of death.

A time my perspective changed by #28

We are lucky people to live here in the United States of America. We have more opportunities that any other places all around the globe. And we take these things for granted. A time i changed my perspective was while i was doing my eagle scout project. I saw a video where it showed the kids they owned nothing. You could see the sadness in there eyes. They were dirt poor. I thought to my self what if i were in there shoes. Barely surviving, suffering from disease and other things. Only if they were born here in America where they would have the opportunities that they have been robbed of in other places all around the world. We need to do everything that we can for these people. I know that if i were in there shoes i would defiantly want others to help me out. And that was a time that my perspective changed.

A Perspective of Me. by #23

There are many perspectives in life. If I were to be smaller would I see the world differently? Everyone has moments in life where we try in out ourselves in a different perspective, I know I have and recently. Ever since we were given this assignment I was wondering what I should write about but if finally came to me. For a while I was in a really bad fight with my best friend. The whole entire fight I was thinking of my side of the story never hers until recently when we talked some things out and she explained her side of the story. After that I was thinking about it and how silly I felt because in a way a pointless quarrel got in the way of our friendship. I was only able to do this because I put my self in her perspective and that’s when I realized a lot of things.

When I was given this assignment I started thinking about smaller and bigger things. The first one I thought of was grass and humans. There are many different perspectives you can look at this with like from a human’s point of view. For an example we see grass as nothing but a thing we sit on but if we were to switch it around and look at it from the grass’s point of view it would be way different. There are many ways you could see a piece a grass perspective, but if I was a piece of grass I would be terrified because I am 2 inches tall and this 5-foot monster stepped on me I would be a little freaked out. The last thing I would like to say is that for you to be careful on low you look at other people because you never know their perspective on life.

Mornings #415

An eerie sound rung in my eardrums, it was that moment again.
Every morning is the same but every morning it seems more and more dreadful.
I cringe at the hearty noise my clock makes again, as if it is getting frustrated with me.
It is time to wake up, this time it is different though, it's Monday.
Emerging from the covers of my warm, soft bed almost seems impossible.
I am feeling so lifeless and lethargic.
I trudge out of bed tip toeing to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
Passionately wanting nothing more but to crawl back into bed and fall back into a slumber.
Looking at the clock I realize that I am lagging on time.
As quick as a bunny I race downstairs to attack my eggs and bacon with a side of toast my caring mother made me.
The blasting tunes in my ears coming from my earphones empower me and I feel so much more alive.
Time for school, it doesn't know what it's about to encounter.

ant perspective by 428

Mom told me to go play out side. So I went and played in and out the crevices of the sidewalk. It was my favorite place to play. Also the humans rarely came there. Soon I found a huge crumb. I turned around to ask my friends to help me carry it inside the hill. But instead I saw the humans stomping on my friends.

I went in to tell mom. As I ran in I heard the thundering. When I told mom she said "Get your friends and let's get out." A few minutes later me, my friends, and my family stampeded outside. When we were outside I looked back and saw the humans pumping a cloudy yellow gas. Soon I got lost in thought. Finally we arrived at the safe house with the gas masks. We will start a new life.

The City That Never Sleeps by: #423

As I look out of the window in my studio apartment I see a city that is alive. The cars make a roar that is somehow relaxing. The lights in the city are like the clear night sky. It is breathtaking. The pollution in the air makes a ere blanket of mist that is lit by the car headlights. The Brooklyn Bridge is barely visible and looks like it never ends.
From up here the people are as busy as bees moving non-stop. New York has a skyline that is unlike any other. It is both glamorous and beautiful. It is hard to believe that at one o'clock the city is as noisy as ever. The car horns mixed with all the other noises sound like a symphony number that goes on forever. These are the times I stay up all night mesmerized by the city that never sleeps.

Prowl of the Dead by Rachel Kingery

I awake in the dim light of the night. My mouth waters for rich, crimson blood on this fine Hallows eve. I arise from my resting place to finally feed. After all, this is the only night that I am allowed to prowl the land of the living.

I use my cold, dead fingers to chip away at the dirt on top of my cramped coffin. It is cool and gritty. The first feeling I have felt in a year. I finally see light seep through a tiny, but growing hole. I finally get to the top of the damp earth. I stretch out my limp, dead limbs and watch my brothers and sisters arise from their resting places. Our putrid smell filled the cadaverous cemetery. We start creeping in the shadows of the dark, deserted streets of the somber town they call Sleepy Hallow.

Our thirst flourishes, making us limp at a faster rate then our customary pace. To my right, I hear a series of shrieks coming from a somber house on Elm street. It is time for our kind to feast once again.

Happy Halloween Honors English 8

Historical Quotes by #429

"Never in the history of human conflict has so much been owed by so many, to so few."
-Winston Churchill on the Battle of Britain

"Those who don't study history are bound to repeat it."
-Winston Churchill

For all those people out there that hate history.

Historical Quotes

"Never in the history of human conflict has so much been owed by so many, to so few."
-Winston Churchill on the Battle of Britain

"Those who don't study history are bound to repeat it."
-Winston Churchill

For all those people out there that hate history.

Quote by 414

The hartest tests of adolescence don't come in English, algebra, or biology. They come in those defining moments when we are asked to know ourselves an dto follow our true hearts.
-Beth Kephart, author of Undercover and A Slant of Sun.

Twinkle,Twinkle little star by: #49

Most of the time I feel alone in this desolate sky that I live in but if I really gaze out far into the sky I can see millions of stars just like me. Some are half-grown and some are fully grown. Sometimes at night i can see a rainbow on earth that stretches out far in the atmosphere. One day I wish to visit it and look at it from another direction.
If I look close enough at Earth I can see things swirling around and stuff going away. Up in the sky nothing ever changes. I have heard of people wishing on stars like me and sometimes I wish I could do that with humans. I would wish to be in a place like earth. It is so fascinating and wonderful. With it's ravishing green and it's vivid blues. Sometimes i just stare at it for days upon days just watching everything move artistically, almost like someone is painting a picture on a canvas that never ends.
The End.

Life of a Grasshopper by #418

As I skittered across the soft soiled earth, my small, green sides gently brushed against the long, narrow grass. I was taking a morning stroll through Murray, when all of a sudden, I saw a massive creature, looming over me. I was about to hop away, when it just started to walk away.

I decided to investigate. I followed it as I jumped down to the local park, where there were many more of the giant beasts, towering over my puny, little body. I had to watch every hop I took to make sure I wasn't crushed under their gigantic legs. There were giant spheres and equipment that they threw around, and said strange things into a cone shaped object, that made them talk even louder. The best of all though, had to be the food.

There was all sorts of food there! Many that I can't even name. I wanted to keep exploring, but the large yellow sphere was going down, and the big silver circle was coming up, so I had to get home. I couldn't wait to tell my adventures to all my insect friends and family.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Here's a Quote... from Sydney

Smile - the fresh air is good for your teeth.
~Mr. Pope

German ROCKS!

Trick Or A Treat?

Trudging through the puddles the rain had trailed, I stepped into the radiant porch light.
I stood, examining the blood red door that stood before me.
I rung the doorbell once. The eerie sound echoed in my eardrums.
Instantly, the door stood ajar revealing nothing, but a darkness as black as Dracula's own cape.
A tenuous haze began to journey towards me.
I watched in awe as a figure appeared.
Suddenly a melancholy face blanketed with white emerged from the dark.
I couldn't help but stand with my mouth a gaped and my feet glued on the spot.
I stared in silent horror as he opened his mouth, revealing two brilliantly
sharp teeth.
He sunk his teeth in my throat while I stood paralyzed with fear.
I looked up to the starry night before I fell into my own.

-#421 From the perspective of a trick or treater.
Life is like a maze.
There are right turns,
wrong ways,
and dead ends.
But no matter what happens, we'll find our way through it.

A saying I've made up while reading The Maze Runner.
Hope this will brighten up those dark days of yours!
- #421

The Rules Of The Game by Madison Stauffer

Running. Running. The faster I ran, the more anxious I became. I neared the terrible sight. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw before me. Blood, bones, skin, and loose limbs was all that was left of this army base. A tear was welling up in my eye. This was my fault. I suddenly stopped in my tracks. My feet soaking in a pool of blood. This wasnt my fault. It was his. When this thought appeared in my head, my phone softly buzzed. I gazed down to see his name on the caller ID. I quickly ignored the call. Right now was not a good time. " I knew you would do that." A familiar voice came from behind. I froze. Without realizing it my hand slipped down to the gun in my pocket. With that weapon in my hand I jumped around to face him. The bullet pointed right at his heart. His eyes wide with suprise. "Don't" He pleaded, using his sweet charming voice. " Why not?" I asked. My tears were gone, and they were not coming back while he was still alive. "I love you." Were his only words. " You've never loved me and this" I explained, gesturing to what was around me. "just proves my point." "I never meant for this to happen." Was his last excuse he would say. He started forward. I fired. Frozen in midair with pain and anguish in his face. Nothing. I repeat nothing could have described the pain that I felt now. Somehow I ended up at his side. He was breathing heavily. I pulled his head up to my ear. "If you loved me you would have told me that everyday that I was with you." I whispered in his ear. " This is all on you." I arose. He stared at me with wonder and amazment. My killer pistol was still in my hand. The shot rung out. He had run out of time. My tears were coming back. I had to get away from there. I ran, and ran , and ran. This is what all stared this. Running away from something I didnt want to face. My phone was somehow still in my hand. I dialed someones number who earlier I had promised I would never call again. " Peyton. Where are you." She started all her phone calls the same way. About me, but somehow in life everything was about her. " Mom" I started."The game has changed. We've got all new rules now. Rule number one: From now on, in the name of freedom and justice, we're bringing the war to you." She replied with one simple sentence." I think I'm going to like this game."
If we put the Government in charge of the Sahara Desert in five years there would be a shortage of sand.
-Milton Freedman

The Sun #41

The sun burst through the trees, illuminating everything in a precious golden light. I lifted my head to the stream of light flowing towards me. It gave the forest a renewing hope and a joy for the day yet to unfold. The thick blanket of trees surrounding, towered over me like a lion over his prey.
Then, in the beauty of it all, it started to rain. Pouring over everything it's gift of life! As the rain fell upon me, I felt renewed, sucking in all the rain had to offer. It felt like a soft, blanket hitting and rolling off my leaves. Then, just as suddenly as it came, the rain left, and the bright, enlightening sun filled the vast forest once more.
If you haven't guessed who I am yet, then guess now. Think, it's not hard. If you don't know it yet then I'll tell you. I'm.... a.... FLOWER!!

An Awesome Poem

Demons run when a good man goes to war
Night will fall and drown the sun
When a good man goes to war

Friendship dies and true love lies
Night will fall and the dark will rise
When a good man goes to war

Demons run, but count the cost
The battle's won, but the child is lost
When the good man goes to war
Abigail Mower- I love his word choice and the way this poem flows. Yes, it is from Doctor Who but this is the sort of reason why I think It is such a clever and well written show. :)

Judging a dusty book by its cover.

When you walk into a room without a light, Nothing is to be seen. But, once you open up your eyes a little wider and turn on a small flashlight, things start to become more clear to your eyes. You may not be able to notice that there is a crack in the floor, or that there is a spider crawling up your shoe but you can be guided through the room because of that light. Let's say that you thought the room was small. But once you turned on a little bit of light, it was big. Larger then your roomy bedroom at home. What just happened there? Your point of view changed. Suddenly.
Every second of the day someones point of view changes. Have you not heard of not judging a book by its' cover? We do this all day. Judging everyone as they walk through the hall, because they are fat, ugly, beautiful, short, or tall does not make them a bad person. You don't know them yet so why do you have to judge them? You can't blow out a candle when there is no fire on the wick. What I want you to get out of this is that judging a dirty, dusty, shriveled up book by its cover may not open up your eyes to see that, that book was full with the greatest novel in the history of the world.


Follow Your Heart #420

Sometimes life is like a new born puppy dog, never realizing what its tail was, chasing it in circles and making the same mistake of chasing it just to get dizzy day after day, until one day it realizes its normal. So many times all of us, chase our tails, and make many mistakes over and over again, until one day we finally realize we need to stop and realize things we are doing wrong in our lives. Because each small thing that goes in the wrong direction, can add up to one big thing that requires anraveling picking apart, piece by piece to learn new things, but when you look back, make it worth looking back on. We all wonder day after day if and when anybody will ever learn. Because so many sorrys begin to become routine and you think that you can say that word sorry, and it will all be okay. But soon, sorry means nothing. Because when you say sorry, its almost like a promise, that your saying I love you, and I promise you, I won't let this happen again, realizing how much it hurt you. It will never, happen again. Then... you let it happen again. Sorry is a promise, its meant to be kept, not lost in the past, you keep it, it means something, but the second you break it, it truly means nothing, and its hard to let go of the hurt that someone might have caused, and be forgiving. Life can be easy hard, and the best thing. Each is given their own trials to overcome and are given many friends to help them through it, always by their side!
Listen to your heart. If your heart tells you to cry, cry, if it tells you to love, love, if it tells you it hurts, then allow it to hurt, if it tells you to laugh, laugh. No matter what, never allow the world to speak to you as your heart.

Don't. Give. Up

I thought about this all day. I wanted to write something that everyone would see that could change a life. That mabye would help someone get through the day. I thought so hard, that I didn't think that it would be possible to come up with something because my brain was going to pop from thinking so hard. Then I found this quote, and thought it would be perfect for today.
"Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be."
Don't. Give. Up. Tommorrow will be a new day. You have changed a life, you mean so much. Don't just stop even if it feels like you have no where else to go or nobody to go to. There will always be someone and something to help you get through the day. And I hope? This might of helped!(:

Cool Quotes

You're the peanut to my butter
The star to my burst
The pop to my tart
The fruit to my loop
but most importantly,
You're the best to my friend.
Hope you guys liked this.

Devil in an Elevator By: Abigail Mower

"Abigaaaail!" She would not be quite! I have never laid eyes on anyone more annoying. She was rude, idiotic, rambunctious, and absolute worst of all... She was the loudest person on the face of the Earth.
"Abbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiggggggaaaaaiiiiilll?" I rolled over, to face away from my nightmare identified as Jadelyn. I was soon to be disappointed by the fact that turning over did not drown out the nosies of that mouth breather. "Abbbigail, Abbbigail, I farted." Four words and a part of me died. This included my sense of smell. "Jadelyn, shut up!" I am so disgusted by my roommate. How could anyone be so stupid?
I woke up the next morning to Jadelyn, jumping and yelping around the room like the town fool. I had three more days of this and I didn't know if I would be able to maintain my sanity. Luckily, Haliee kept me safe. Haliee was stunning. She had an exuberant personality and was so bubbly and bright. I loved her. She made a week with Jadelyn worth it. "Abigail, are you okay?" Haliee read me like a book, and not like a dictionary like most people, to her I was a joke book. She knew who I really was. So, for the next three hours Haliee and I went around campus taking pictures and goofing off. After we got a snack we started to make our way to the elevator. The old crapy elevator was terrifying and made my heart want to stop. We had been walking all day so we were going to take it anyways.
Thats when we saw the devil. Jadelyn was strutting towards us. All of us herded into the elevator. Immediately Jadelyn began jumping. "Stop it!" I hated this elevator so much and she was only making it worse. But, I hated it even more when the elevator door opened to another door.
Haliee was screaming, Jadelyn was crying, and I was too terrified to speak. "Is it because I jumped?" I heard her say between gasps of breath. Could it have been? Could her stupidity really bring this? I stepped between the elevator and the door when Haliee proclaimed that she had an idea. She pressed the button to the second floor. I was left stuck between the door and the elevator. I heard Haliee abandon me and run to the room of the other girls, but I only heard her. A minute later the elevator door opened. Jadelyn stood there and engulfed me in a hug. "Abigail, did we even try to turn the handle?" The door swung open to the bright light of natural sunshine through the windows.
For almost an entier week I was walking with my eyes closed. I had made the decision to not accept the friendship Jadelyn because I thought she was weird (I know, me thinking someone was too weird is extremely funny). Every time I talk to her I regret how I treated her. I almost lost one of the greatest friends I have ever had. And I am tickled pink that the door was messed up. Now, I have a wonderful friend named Jadelyn. She was my angle when I was locked in an elevator. That is when my perspective changed.

Perspective of a Bug By:427

The water seeped into the dent in which I lie. Silence consumed me as I myself sat there waiting for death to come and take me into it's embrace. The pain seared through my legs as I tried to save myself and get out of this death trap. The happy memories of my mother and my millions of siblings, oh and my home, how I will cherish them all. Roars of laughter were faint in my head as I remembered the happy moments of my short,hard,and boring life. The ground suddenly started to shake with furious power........

Pink talons came and swooped me up. The ditch in which I was to die in was far behind me. The air rushed at me with great force and anger I felt as if I was flying. I could not fly but the bugs that could, explained how it felt, but this. This felt much better then how they explained their experience. My legs felt weak as I learned what really was happening. The pink talons belonged to the monsters that came and pluked the wings off of friends that could fly. These monsters were responsiable for the damage that has ruined our beautiful homes. The monstrous eyes came close to me and gave me a crazy, fiery look. Two. These large creatures had just two eyes! What strange complex creatures these are. Soft and slow came the dirt beneath my feet as the monster put me down. Maybe they weren't as bad as they seemed.

My Perspective Changes Back And Forth By: Gaby Galvan

When I am in an exhilarating soccer match with my Razzia Dragonzz team, I have the point of view of the player running back and forth. The defensive player stopping every ball can see the whole field, as compared to a offensive player because they only see the front. Even though a player has the point of view of the field, everyone has their own. When we are tied or down by some points, we are always feeling nympholepsy.
As I watch, for instance, my brother's Razzia Fire soccer team, I have the point of view of a cheering spectator. As you are supporting the team, you see things that would have never crossed the minds of the players. The parents that are always extremely optomistic help to incipient the good feelings of good sportsmanship. They play a big part in making sure the players perspective and thoughts are on peing positive and play to the best of your ability. Sometimes you might get some kvetch form the tired players.

With different perpectives over the exactly the same situation, the outcome is a "zillion" different reactions.

Time Destruction By: #419

Think of a clock. "Tick, tick, tick, tick". When you hear the clock do you think of a grandfather clock in your living room? Or do you think of Big Ben just down the street? Or maybe you think of the clock in your History class telling you that you have ten minutes left to take the biggest and scariest test of the year (believe me, I know how that is)? Well when I hear the clock "tick, tick, tick"ing, I think of death. Yes, death. If you were smart, you wouldn't ask why or how. So to save you the effort, I will just tell you.

It started with a boy. Everything always seems to start with a boy. I think it's just natural that trouble starts after you meet a cute guy. I know what you are thinking. "How can a cute boy make me think of death?" Well, I'm getting there. First, you need to know the cute boys name. His name is Niko. I think it means "death" but I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised if it did. What Niko did to make me think of death when I hear a clock was, well, let me tell you.

It started on a Monday morning about 7:15 a.m. when I arrived at Starstrake High School for Genius Teens. When I saw Niko, I realized that I had never seen him before. Before I go on, there is one thing you need to know about my school. No one comes in the middle of the school year. No one. So when saw him, I was curious. Before I even realized, I was standing by Niko. "How did I get to him so fast?" I wondered, but when I saw Niko's face from behind his green locker, I didn't care how I got there. I just cared about talking to this new guy with blond hair and hypnotising blue eyes.

"Hello," Niko said to me as he closed his locker and turned the lock.

His voice sounded like a harmonic choir singing a peaceful song.

"Hey," I answered, my voice shaking.

He smiled. My heart skipped a beat. His smile was soft but sweet.

"Which class do you have first?" He asked.

Instead of answering, I blurted out "How long have you been here?"

Niko smiled and said, "I have been hear the whole year, Alli. Don't you remember?"

"I never told you my name."

He smiled maliciously. "Don't you know me, Alli?"

Chrime Teens In, Deadly Revange By.Rachel Jorgensen

Chapter one, Escape

Narrated by, Elizabeth Evans

"Elizabeth come on we are going to be late."
I jumped up and shut down my laptop and slipped on my shoes grabbed my favorite purse, jammed my laptop into it.I was well supposed to be getting ready to go, but I was asked at school today by the hottest guy ever Josh Banks (sigh) to go to prom with him,not that I was deeply in love with him or anything like that.Anyway my answer was yes of course!I dashed down the stairs and well of course had to trip, and at the bottom of the stairs was Sabrina she is my nineteen year old sister we get along most of the time.
We walked out on to the front porch just by the wind I could tell it was going to rain.It had been a really wet summer so I was not surprised when we reached the dentists it had become a tempest.The rain lashed at the car windows the wind was rocking the car back and forth I alighted from my car and as the wind whipped my silky hair all around my face when I saw my two best friends Josh Banks and Mayling Wu, I ran to catch up with them.
"hey," I called
"hi,what are you doing here,"Mayling asked
"don't you remember I told you that I was getting my braces off today after school," I replied
" oh yeah," she said with a frown

We jogged to the sopping wet door where Josh who had gotten ahead was waiting to open the door.As I entered I could have sworn that he had genitally brushed my hand.When I shot a glance at him he just grinned and winked.When our sisters had reached the third floor Mayling and I were already having our braces removed and getting them put on.Josh had just entered the room glanced around and then spotted me he slowly made his way to me.

"Lizzy, will you be my girlfriend?"he asked a pink flush creeping up his Collier.
"yes"I said I seriously thought I was dreaming I have known Josh ever sense Mayling and I joined the C.I.A and that was when we were in the sixth grade and even then I was friends with him.My joyful thought was interrupted by Dr.Smith telling me that my braces were off, I nodded my head in response to her words.I sat in silence as I looked out the rain washed window when lightning flashed and I saw four men alighted from a black sedan.I knew right then and there that we had to get out! I glanced at Mayling and Josh they both had horrified looks on there faces!.......................To be continued

Garbage Can -413

Through my eyes I glare at all the kids that sit at their germ caked desks. It is the most irksome thing to remain in the same devilish position. The exception is when I am tipped upside-down, when all of the filth from the grubby children that toss papers and gum into my body tumbles out, and leaves me splattered with about everything your nifty little brains can think of. I cannot help but to think of how it would be to be one of those mindless creatures staring blank faced at the quite tall personage at the front of the room. Would I perhaps pop big, round, pink, bubbles in my mouth like the girl in the third row. Or might I fling tiny wads of paper at the "hot chicks" as the rather awkward looking kid in the back corner does. I could also stay quiet and slump down low like the majority of the creatures are doing.

In my plastic head I think of all the things it would be amazing to see and do. Another thing my mind wonders off to a good amount of the time is, what it would be like to be a dumpster like my good pal Stank. Oh man he has the life, just sitting out in the wild. Well it's the school parking lot, but still the wild. Stank gets all that fresh oxygen in his metal box figure while he watches birds way up in the pine next to the tiniest shack of a building. After I had been dumped and sat waiting to be lugged back in to the doll house of a school, he told me the story of the shack. Stank sputtered out his words almost scared like, he said he had had a friend like me once. That friend didn't last long in the jungle gym of the boys locker room. The poor can came out torn from the left corner to the bottom right, the despicable janitor locked him up in the shack. Stank can still hear the li'l guy yelling for help. Maybe it would be a bad idea to be a giant old dumpster. I should just stay myself, in a nice classroom full of sweet kids that don't rip me up. They just do their work and leave me alone to be their hole for all the garbage they might have.

My Flight By 411

While I fly through Chinatown I see a little Girl about seven years old, walking with a board that has 64 black and white spaces. Wondering why she had that board, I follow her for a while. She stops suddenly and opens up the door. "Whoa!" I say as I almost crash into this big rectangular thing people call a door. I still had a nick of a second before the big thing that almost killed me closed.

Inside I followed this girl through many halls. It felt like I was going through a ginormous maze. The girl stops and goes through another door. Curious as I am, I followed her inside the room. When I'm inside, I see many of those boards and I see people touching uniquely designed mini royal figurines. The girl sits down 20 minutes later. I hear her scream happily "checkmate!". I stayed there for a couple more hours , and finally, I leave thinking that it was worth almost dying and going through a weird maze. To learn about a game that I think that people call Chess.

Blind Perspective #425

I smell the first fragrant Spring blossoms as they pop out of the newly inhabited ground, but I will never see the vibrant colors of flowers as they stretch across fields of green. I feel the searing rays of the sun sink into my skin on a hot Summers day, but I will never see the steaming mirage melting everything ahead on the road as I am driving. I hear the rustling of Autumn leaves as the bitter wind calls the geese southward. But I see no rich reds, yellows, or oranges abandoning the trees, leaving the bare limbs to fend for themselves as the frosty Winter approaches. I touch the chilling snow as it falls like an unwanted gift in clumps from the trees onto me, but I will never see how unhurried and graceful it lands on the frost encrusted ground. My other senses combine for one that I have lost. They let me see the world with no eyes.

Then and Now by #48

I've always loved football. I used to and still do play football in the front yard, on the field, and on the tramp. I have always loved waking up real early and driving to the field. The chill of the fall/winter air is spectacular. Also, I think clothing my fingers in tape, is the best. It's like a hug on my hand, all game long. The ice on my hand, is great, too!
My perspective has changed on football this past year. Not only am I loving football during the games, but I am loving it during practices. I enjoy it during school! Thats all I think about. It isn't just a game anymore, it's a way of life. I like football more than a kid likes candy! Three practices and one games a week just don't seem enough anymore. I love football ten times more then last year and I don't even know why.

Be Positive by #429

My perspective, my outlook, my opinion, these words all say the same thing: how I see the world. I try to look at things and say POSITIVE things, not NEGATIVE things. I try to exclaim, "That's great!" or "Hooray!" Not "You stink!" or "I suck!" I like to say, "Think positive!"
I don't like people who try to be mean. What's POSITIVE in that? You are stomping all over shoving and jeering at others, and you say that you have a great time?! You are just messing up everyone's day. I also don't like people who go around holding a grudge. They are just hurting themselves, and they are thinking NEGATIVE! I try to be kind to everyone, and think POSITIVE about the world.

The clock. By 414

Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc, Tic- That's my life. Every day, seven days a week, the same old thing. But it's not as boring as it sounds. I can notice a lot of things up on this brick wall. On the desks I scan the students for something, anything, that would be the least bit exciting. Oh, here we go! I see some drama queens yelling at each other. oh boy. A jock laughing with his friends. A girl obnoxiously chewing her pink bubble gum. Revolted, I turn away.
As the children begin to pack up their things, I count down the seconds. 3-2-1! The bell rings and they all scurry to the door. All is silent as the door closes behind them. All that is heard is the faint Tic, Toc, Tic Toc... Then, as soon as it stopped, the computer lab starts up loud again as a new crop of kids walk into the room. Laughter fills it up, and if you strain your ears, you can faintly hear the tapping of the keys. Imaginations filling the computer screens. As I feel the cool brick on my back, I wonder, does anybody even notice that I'm there? Suddenly one of the people, the tallest of them all, strolls to the front of the room and announces something. I can barely make out a few of the words. Clock.....Broken......Apologize. I understand now. I've been doing it wrong. A man walks in with a stepladder. As he climbs up I wonder what he's doing. Then I realize, that he's reaching for me! He takes me and places someone else in my place. I feel empathy for my replacement, but it's his turn. The man climbs carefully down, says a few words to the class and walks out of the lab. Finally. I've been waiting for this moment for what feels like eternity.

The Missing Link by Emma Noble

You might not take me into consideration that much, but to me you are my everything.Without you I am an abandoned dream maker slowly making my way down the hall. Scuffing my pine green paint coat with gold lettering that glimmers like the lights on a christmas tree. But I want to be the brilliant daisy yellow that all my friends are. Why a christmas tree in the middle of summer, surrounded by sunflowers? Why me?

I started out young and alpine, but I am diminished more and more every day by the dreaded sharpener. In the right hand I can give dimension to normal writing, and prove a theory wrong with the flick of an eraser. I can write stroies about far off distant places and the wonderful princesses that live there. I sit in my dark, enclosed cage thinking about the day that I will shine. Then I'll show those apathetic yellow hunks of wood that a christmas tree can give hope to anyone, even when it's not the right season.

Point of View of a... by #44

I use the crisp air to my colossal advantages. I float about, within space nothing else may occupy. I am many a times surveyed as a thin, weightless piece of paper fluttering over thousands of cities; watching the buisiness of it all. I appear to calm this racket with my abounding elegance and sharp precision. The smaller giants who seek me whisper as they approach, ascending slowly, gaining eagerness to catch me. They have chosen to play my most beloved game! I jump and the game commences. I thrust myself up high but they are still willing to press on with every intent of clutching me; so I continue, using the ocean to dive, float, swim, and soar, I am a fish if no other, just not of water. I use something different to play, my ocean is different, calming, equally breathtaking just harder to see. My ocean fills me with something that is so overwhelming their is no way to portray it, so indescribable in fact that no one else may obtain this feeling.
The giants give up but they plead that I perform, so as they perch on a flat surface that they brought with them, I begin the show. The created curtain is thrown back and my grand entrance, oh, what fun! My smooth movements hypnotize them in their lounges, like statues implanted in the ground. I do not blame them, for I too, do know, that I am prettier than a shark and have more purpose in my ocean than a trout, I am a creation too pure to be of man. Can you tell me what I am? Look again. ;)

green = new words and rearranged sentence parts

Lacross # 28

Well when I found out that we were playing lacross in P.E. Lets just say I was not very happy. Because the sport is hard and I always thought there was no point to the game. I was pretty bad at it which, encouraged me to quit participating.

But then we had our first practice game...Out of both teams mine and the other team we v.s. I was the only good one which really suprised me. After this I started to like a little more each day. Why i started liking it so much is because our team was the bom and we would winn lots of our games and I am competitve. The rest of my class was not really into the game so I take advantage.

Dollar Bill by #224

It's not easy being a dollar bill. Half of the time you're spending that day in a old and weathered wallet, and the other half in a freezing and depressing register. But for some strange reason fate made today different, I might never now why but today, today I was set on a window ledge.

I sat on that pale white, window ledge for hours, maybe even days, it was close to impossible to tell time with no watch to gaze upon with my small but watchful eyes. For what seems like the millionth time stared longingly out the window, it was that time of year when snow flakes blanket the ground and the sun's time in the sky is shorten. Huge children pressed their pudgy faces against window displays while waddling through the thick, dull snow, while mothers desperately tried to yank them away. Through out the day a lone car would hesitantly trod it's way through the frozen street in hope to make it though the unsafe short cut. A tree that seemed to meet the sky began to cripple under the weight of the billions of snow flakes.
When it finally gave way I watched through foggy glass as it began to fall gracefully and capture long, thick power lines with in his hundreds of hands. The lines began to spill out large flames through it's wounds that whirled down the street straight towards my shelter. It was suddenly unbearably warm on this cold windowsill. I saw ribbons of fire dance it's way around my room. As a small piece of paper there was nothing I could do but try not panic. Suddenly a high pitched screeching noise filled the air and red lights that did not belong to the flames were to be seem on the walls. Out of nowhere a harsh mist attacked the energy, destroying it. After that it was a big haze. When I finally awakened from my faint slumber I was in an old weathered wallet, but hey, that's the life of a dollar bill.

226-I love cats

Cats are furry and small and cuddly, they like to drink milk and eat fish and mice.
Kitty cats are my favorite cats. They are even smaller and cuddlier. I also like puppy dogs and flowers on a warm spring day.

The End

The Perspective of a Lion- 215

Squating as low in the thick Savanah grass as I can, my shining yellow eyes fixed on the black and white stripes of my prey. I can already taste the tough juicy meat in my mouth, so sensual, so mind tuingling. I can hardly bear another minute of waiting, but I neet to stand my ground, prancing now could end the hunt. Looking silently to my left and right I appear to be alone. I know that statment to be a lie though, because my entire pride is positioned carfully and steadily in locations of the thick brush.
Once the herd starts to sense the difference in the atomspeher we start to play the game. this "game" we play is not just a chasing game, but a carefully planned set of rules. Sort of like chess. once the adult zebras hear the tiniest snap of grass the game begins. the first launch is made but missed, startling the herd. then we try to break their defense, throwing ourselves in random areas of the blinding colors. Once we get ourselves in and they're broken up, we seek for the weakest of the herd which tpically is the elderly and the young. After we have the weakest attacked we quickly take them by the scruffs of thier neck (or anywhere else we can grab them.) We return to the waiting cubs and begin the violent, unforgivable feast.

Love by #22

Love. I am love, I am shared and cherished all through out the world. I am expressed through words, actions and thoughts. Sometimes the feeling of being me is in one word, beautiful. Just to think that I can make people do extraordinary things. Just a small amount of love to a person can change them, make them better. A favor I ask you is to use me wisely! I may forgive people for misusing me, but others don't.
I get cut in half every time someone says "I hate you" but the good thing is that I always grow back. Just remember that I don't mind being shared, something that I always say is that I am infinite you can always make more of me when you need it. Sometimes I know that it is hard to believe in me, mostly when we get broken hearts. When someone leaves just know that someone better will replace them someone with more of me to give.
If you think about it I am like a game of chess, I can be played in many directions. I am also like the universe deep and never ending. I am patient, I am careful. I am love.

Feathers #216

As I hike up onto the top of the mountain I look up and i see a bird. While it swoops in the air its' magnificent, colorful feathers flap and wave wildly in the furiously fighting wind. For a while I watch the bird, watching it do circles and loops in the air, as if it were in the circus, trying to entertain me. During all of the twist and the turns a feather falls from the bird and lays right in front of me. The feather is long and fat, showing colors of blue, orange and red. It is soft and as smooth as silk. I wonder how I would look as a bird... never mind...

I swoop through the air and the only unusual thing I don't see every day through out my usual morning routine was strange, tall and colorful. I didn't know what to think at first, but it was so interesting to watch. It flew with its' legs on the ground! The wind blows and the long, brown, weird- type feathers blow freely. I first thought: 'this is one of the ugliest birds I have ever seen in my life, it's as tall as a tree! From head to toe it has green, brown and blue feathers and weird, big, bulky feet, it's a wonder how it even goes a foot off of the ground... I really hope I never see this kind of bird again... I better go tell the others that a monster was born!!!

Life as a phone#213

Have you ever felt like you were just being ussed? That's pretty much the story of my life, my names Bill and I'm a phone. Life's not always easy for a phone like me, the amount of obstacles I overcome daily is enormous! Your see, my owner is a business man and he can never put me down, he's a little obsessed if you ask me. It seems his favorite thing to do is talk, what does he think I am, his shrink? Don't even get me started with his breath, I mean seriously have you ever heard of a tic tac? That man needs to learn some manners, I have feelings too and that should be respected. Phones can only take so much, and I think I've just about had it with this guy.
If you think your life is bad, walk a few hundred feet in my shoes and you'll be glad you have your life instead of mine. Today was absolutely terrible, my screen is cracked and I'm missing a few keys to my keyboard. I swear this man needs mental help, I mean who gives their phone to a three year old? It all started when I was driving in the car with this sorry excuse for a man and his child. Jeffery, his child all of the sudden starts to cry for no reason at all, a bright idea pops into my owners head that he should give his phone to Jeffery to stop the madness going on in the back seat. This is where it turned nasty, the windows were rolled down because of the scorching heat outside. Apparently three year olds aren't the smartest people in the world, who would have ever thought that? This kid, with no reason what so ever, decides to throw me out the window.
As i hurtled through the air, I thought to myself, "How could this day get any worse?" That's when I hit the ground, I heard something shatter and then everything went blank. I awoke a few minutes later in my owners hand with a throbbing headache, I could barely recall what had just happened. I checked myself to see if anything was wrong, and of course something was extremely wrong. My screen had been cracked in multiple locations and a few keys to my keyboard were no where to be seen. I now sit in my owners pocket wondering if I will every be repaired, or even better, replaced by a new phone.

My favorite quote Nathan Page

Never try never fail.

MY QUOTE- Alex Huynh

When the rich wage war it's the poor who die.

Life by #217

I am a butterfly. With orange wings I flutter. I feel free flying through the bright blue sky. Stopped on a small tree, that was a huge mistake. With a blink of an eye the kids are coming at me. Shoot for the the tall old oak tree. Last of my family they all died like this. Hope it is not the same for me. I will not run like everyone else in my family I will take my fate if it is the last thing I see.
Stopped on a tree branch to high for anyone to climb. I see a small shadow on the tree it is dark, eary cloud type thing. It is coming closer and closer. The last minute I see a a shadow of a blue bird. I shoot for the ground and think of the beast kids. I still have to go head down. They have finally caught me. Slowly and surely I fall to the ground. I take one glimpse all around. My last breath got to make this count. I close my eyes and take my fate. Soon hope to see my family somewhere again.

Perspective of and Ant. By Aja Mills

Everyday my job is to go find food for my family. We are a family of 8. My Mom, Dad, Anmmon, Anshley, ank, Anily, Anialey and Me Anja! (Anmmon and ank died 2 years ago) I have a big family so i have got to find a lot of food. Walking along I spot some food..... it is all the way on the other side of the road. Hmm I am just going to have to be brave and go get it. As I walk I see this big sign that says PUMA but the sign is moving it's heading straight for me. I jump and do summer salts on the ground all the way to the food. Well that was a close one. Getting food for my family is very dangerous. I think that is why they put me incharge of it.

Going to school is also very dangerous. In fact my best friend anissy Died last week.): This thing called a TOM that killed her and on the bottom it said NICOLE. It was so tradjic. School is kindof like the big giant school except for it is definintley not as big as there school. This is pretty much what an ants life is like.( maybe a little different)

A Pebble on the Side of the Road by #211

I sit on the road that borders the creek and the field of grass. Everything is quiet. Off in the distance a hear a faint rumbling. As the noise gets closer the ground starts to shake. A car is driving on the dirt road. The car is very large, but not as large as the blue skies. Four people step out of the car and onto the road. One started walking towards me.
He picked me up and said to his brother, see this is a good one, it's not too small or too big, and it's flat and smooth. As he put me in the pocket of his jacket he walked over to the shore of the stream. The pocket was warm and I felt safe inside. Then he took me out and got ready to throw me. I got nervous, i liked the pocket better than being out here. He threw me towards the stream in one smooth throw. It felt like I was flying. As I hit the surface of the water i skipped five times. Before I sunk I looked back at the boy by the shore, he looked very pleased with how many times I skipped. His smile made me happy. As I slowly drifted to the bottom I thought about where I would go next and what my next move would be in the game of life. I'm just a smooth, flat rock at the bottom of a stream, anything could happen.

Life Down Below

I am a lady bug.

I am red and black, with spots.
I slowly crawl among the huge blades of grass as they begin to slit me, similar to a seas of knives. They seem as if they are cutting me into diminutive pieces. I feel the smooth yet uneven earth beneath my feet. It pulls on me. I try to fly free, but there is no room for my wings to expand as the sea of emerald knives enclose on me, equal to an enormous wave, trapping me in a cage. Struggling much, I still can't break free. Until ... a large, funny looking creature breaks my cage as it trudges through the sea struggle free. Then I take flight.
I'm free, at last. Free to explore the lively world above. Free to fly into the gold radiant rays of sunshine. Free to fly onto the leafs with the refreshing morning dew placed neatly on them. I fly all around, going higher and higher. Spinning in circles as I feel the cool crisp breeze beneath my wings.

I am scarlet red with blotches of midnight black.

I am a ladybug.

-Savannah Frank

TREK by #223

Last year, over the Summer, I went to a camp that we call Trek. On this camp, I was stuck with a group of kids that acted really annoying. I've seen them around before and they've always acted like they were complete idiots. They almost scared me with how stupid they would act. I didn't want to deal with them or meet them at all.
Then, they changed my life on that camp.
They were really amazing kids, always being nice to everybody. They still goofed off, but not as badly as they looked back home. Trek jumped from O.K. to amazing on my list because of them. They soon became my friend and still are to this day.

The Game By #227

The noise of the crowd was clear on the tv. Booing and whining all over when every pass, every run was stopped at the line. The Raiders were getting killed, letting the whole home crowd down. It was only 14-0 but they had no hope of ever gaining a single yard. The Jets however got the ball and trudged down the field everytime. Their star quarterback Mark Sanchez was ripping the Raiders secondary apart with every crisp pass to either Santonio Holmes or Plaxico Burress. The Raiders were saved by the bell and went into halftime down 14-0. If you had just turned to that game you would know the Raiders were losing by looking at the fans. If you were blind you could know by the sounds, the whining and awful yelling from either annoyed fans or drunk men with their shirts off.
When the Raiders team came out onto the side lines I saw the passion in their eyes. They were having a rough game and wanted to turn this game around. I love the Jets but maybe this once I might want to see the Raiders make a comeback. It is easy, they get the kickoff this half, if they score on this possession and get the fans into it. Get a stop and make them punt and score again and they are back in business. Well they did just what I said and came back and won the game. I saw the fans cheering, heard them screaming and applauding, and most of all the players knowing that they had brought the fans back and made them proud. It was a great game and I was glad i watched it.