Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Judging a dusty book by its cover.

When you walk into a room without a light, Nothing is to be seen. But, once you open up your eyes a little wider and turn on a small flashlight, things start to become more clear to your eyes. You may not be able to notice that there is a crack in the floor, or that there is a spider crawling up your shoe but you can be guided through the room because of that light. Let's say that you thought the room was small. But once you turned on a little bit of light, it was big. Larger then your roomy bedroom at home. What just happened there? Your point of view changed. Suddenly.
Every second of the day someones point of view changes. Have you not heard of not judging a book by its' cover? We do this all day. Judging everyone as they walk through the hall, because they are fat, ugly, beautiful, short, or tall does not make them a bad person. You don't know them yet so why do you have to judge them? You can't blow out a candle when there is no fire on the wick. What I want you to get out of this is that judging a dirty, dusty, shriveled up book by its cover may not open up your eyes to see that, that book was full with the greatest novel in the history of the world.



  1. This is so true! Oh, I love this!

  2. Wow! Awesome! This is such a great story. I love it. This is great advice, and written well.

  3. That was number 25 as well (Wow...). I'm sorry I forgot agian.

  4. Amazing, great job! Love the narration and the point of view!
