Saturday, 5 November 2011

My Day at the Pool by #412(:

The deep end looked deep turquiose. Meaning more water, meaning more dense, meaning more likely to drown me to death. Ugh, why do my folks keep nagging me to go off the diving board so they can take a picture? Umm, no! Of course everybody knows that the diving board is located directly over the deep end! There is no way, I will ever, go near those trechorous waves.
The deep end reminds me of a sorrowful memory of the beach. My sister Olivia and I were dancing in the cool waves. And suddenly out of absoulute no where, a riptide dragged my dearest sister Olivia out to the mercyless waves. A life-gaurd, by the name of Pat, saved her, and now she is married to him and they lived happily ever after. I know, I know there was a happy ending, but think of the conflict. She could have died! The clueless deep end has no idea what its powerful waters could do to such an innocent human being!
Yet, I had to do it. The diving board waited for me patiently (which I did not like at all). Yuck, its sea-green color looked like it had been splashed with sea-weed juice and vommit. I crawled ever so slowly up the ladder and stepped to the edge. The deep end awaits me. Only God knows my fate. Here, I, go! Splash! My cannon ball sent waves splashing over the sides of the pool! When I doggy-paddled back to the stairs, happy water licked my pruned toes. I did it. I conquered the deep end and now it had no power of my fears. Ha!
And if I must say, the picture turned out fabulous!