Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Garbage Can -413

Through my eyes I glare at all the kids that sit at their germ caked desks. It is the most irksome thing to remain in the same devilish position. The exception is when I am tipped upside-down, when all of the filth from the grubby children that toss papers and gum into my body tumbles out, and leaves me splattered with about everything your nifty little brains can think of. I cannot help but to think of how it would be to be one of those mindless creatures staring blank faced at the quite tall personage at the front of the room. Would I perhaps pop big, round, pink, bubbles in my mouth like the girl in the third row. Or might I fling tiny wads of paper at the "hot chicks" as the rather awkward looking kid in the back corner does. I could also stay quiet and slump down low like the majority of the creatures are doing.

In my plastic head I think of all the things it would be amazing to see and do. Another thing my mind wonders off to a good amount of the time is, what it would be like to be a dumpster like my good pal Stank. Oh man he has the life, just sitting out in the wild. Well it's the school parking lot, but still the wild. Stank gets all that fresh oxygen in his metal box figure while he watches birds way up in the pine next to the tiniest shack of a building. After I had been dumped and sat waiting to be lugged back in to the doll house of a school, he told me the story of the shack. Stank sputtered out his words almost scared like, he said he had had a friend like me once. That friend didn't last long in the jungle gym of the boys locker room. The poor can came out torn from the left corner to the bottom right, the despicable janitor locked him up in the shack. Stank can still hear the li'l guy yelling for help. Maybe it would be a bad idea to be a giant old dumpster. I should just stay myself, in a nice classroom full of sweet kids that don't rip me up. They just do their work and leave me alone to be their hole for all the garbage they might have.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love this! You have great word choice and wonderful verbs. You are very descriptive in your writing.:) Great Job! #425
