Monday, 21 November 2011

Afternoon Surroundings

I peered down to what I was pretending to read.
Looking up, our eyes shook hands.
His pair looked away as if a sparkle caught it,
while mine lingered, starring still.
Butterflies assembled together like a puzzle.
There was as many of them in my gut as there were stars in the sky.
That was a fact.
I looked up once again, attempting to catch a smile possibly.
But he continued carrying on a sweet melody as he stroked the black and white keys.
Ballerinas drifted along with great grace and perfection to his song.
I watched, mesmerized by the stunning surroundings of such beautiful humans.
The dance pictured a story as the music spoke, narrating every word.
The only thing my body allowed me to do was sit and watch as
jealousy consumed me in one whole bite.


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