Tuesday, 8 November 2011

A clocks perspective. #422

You can't imagine how humiliating it can be for a clock when our batteries die. I mean it's not our fault if we stop or our time isn't correct! But that's not what those humans think. They're always saying things like, "I hate my clock."Or, (the one that hurts me the most is...) "It's broken!" I AM NOT BROKEN! I'm only giving my arms and hands a rest. So be patient and wait a while before you replace me. Humans do not understand anything about clocks and that we too have feelings! To understand what hard stuff we have to do just to keep humans on the right track, hold one of your arms in the same spot for an hour while rotating your other arm a quarter of an inch every minute. Now do this all day, every day! Hard stuff, right?

One of my pet peives as a clock, (yes clocks do have pet peives) is when they're some people who think staring at the clock makes time go by faster, well it doesn't. As a clock, having people stare at me can really hurt a clocks confidence!...At least that's what happens with me. Ever sice a teenager sat down and stared straight at me for almost fourty-five mintes I have started to compare myself, to other clocks! I really do get jealous when i see clocks with fancy hands, wood on the outside with a glass cover instead of being all plastic (like me)... and last of all roman numerals. Don't get with those roman numerals. Ugh, those kind of clocks think they're the most important thing in the world and that they always have the correct time. The truth is they do not! So next time you gome started to the store to buy a clock don't just go for the looks, think as if you were the clock. How would you feel? Then make your final desicion. :) :)

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