Tuesday 1 November 2011

The clock. By 414

Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc, Tic- That's my life. Every day, seven days a week, the same old thing. But it's not as boring as it sounds. I can notice a lot of things up on this brick wall. On the desks I scan the students for something, anything, that would be the least bit exciting. Oh, here we go! I see some drama queens yelling at each other. oh boy. A jock laughing with his friends. A girl obnoxiously chewing her pink bubble gum. Revolted, I turn away.
As the children begin to pack up their things, I count down the seconds. 3-2-1! The bell rings and they all scurry to the door. All is silent as the door closes behind them. All that is heard is the faint Tic, Toc, Tic Toc... Then, as soon as it stopped, the computer lab starts up loud again as a new crop of kids walk into the room. Laughter fills it up, and if you strain your ears, you can faintly hear the tapping of the keys. Imaginations filling the computer screens. As I feel the cool brick on my back, I wonder, does anybody even notice that I'm there? Suddenly one of the people, the tallest of them all, strolls to the front of the room and announces something. I can barely make out a few of the words. Clock.....Broken......Apologize. I understand now. I've been doing it wrong. A man walks in with a stepladder. As he climbs up I wonder what he's doing. Then I realize, that he's reaching for me! He takes me and places someone else in my place. I feel empathy for my replacement, but it's his turn. The man climbs carefully down, says a few words to the class and walks out of the lab. Finally. I've been waiting for this moment for what feels like eternity.

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