Tuesday 1 November 2011

Life by #217

I am a butterfly. With orange wings I flutter. I feel free flying through the bright blue sky. Stopped on a small tree, that was a huge mistake. With a blink of an eye the kids are coming at me. Shoot for the the tall old oak tree. Last of my family they all died like this. Hope it is not the same for me. I will not run like everyone else in my family I will take my fate if it is the last thing I see.
Stopped on a tree branch to high for anyone to climb. I see a small shadow on the tree it is dark, eary cloud type thing. It is coming closer and closer. The last minute I see a a shadow of a blue bird. I shoot for the ground and think of the beast kids. I still have to go head down. They have finally caught me. Slowly and surely I fall to the ground. I take one glimpse all around. My last breath got to make this count. I close my eyes and take my fate. Soon hope to see my family somewhere again.

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