Wednesday 30 November 2011

What's Words to You? #420

Words can be put in many different ways. Its so different to imagine yourself put in a place were you are "called out of your name" but yet its surrounding you, many people get "called out of their name." But its seems we only choose to sit back and watch it happen, never thinking to do something about it. I once heard of someone saying words are "things" they are on the walls, they are all around you waiting to jump out at anytime, and over take you, to take your words away, to replace your's with "them." Words are so strong it almost makes it feel like they could hurt more then your feelings, words have a way of digging deep, and killing you almost eating you alive. Though many may say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That will never be true. Those words, are only to prove otherwise. Why not be the one to show that you can be the one to save your words, and never let them be taken away.

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