Friday 4 November 2011

The Life of a Rug by #412

Rugs. Underestimated for their look. Nobody cares about the poor things, they just step on them non-stop without saying sorry. Cruel right? Well, being a 'throw rug', it's more difficult, so I'm going to change our position! And I'm starting with hiding.
People don't know this, but rugs and carpets can move. You wonder how there is a corner flipped up in the morning when it wasn't at night? Well, that is cause we did that to confuse you monsterous human beings. You should see your faces, your pathetic, pale faces!
If you decide to don't listen to this message, we will either attack you, and smother you in your sleep! Muahahaha! Yet, there is another proposition, we will stay here as rugs, and suffer under your footsteps, as long as you vacuum us twice a week. If you do not follow, we will hurt you. Severly.
--Beware, your rugs...
P.S. Don't freak out and throw us away, because we know how to open garbage cans and how to crawl out of fires, and trust us, you don't want a burning rug crawling towards you. Thank you.


  1. Huh... I always wondered why the corners were flipped in the morning... Now I know! :)

    Very creative... and kind of creepy, too... but we'll go with creative.

    -Sydney Durrant P2

  2. Wow I would hate to wake up to a carpet trying to suffocate me. Kind of interesting... #223
