Tuesday 1 November 2011

Feathers #216

As I hike up onto the top of the mountain I look up and i see a bird. While it swoops in the air its' magnificent, colorful feathers flap and wave wildly in the furiously fighting wind. For a while I watch the bird, watching it do circles and loops in the air, as if it were in the circus, trying to entertain me. During all of the twist and the turns a feather falls from the bird and lays right in front of me. The feather is long and fat, showing colors of blue, orange and red. It is soft and as smooth as silk. I wonder how I would look as a bird... never mind...

I swoop through the air and the only unusual thing I don't see every day through out my usual morning routine was strange, tall and colorful. I didn't know what to think at first, but it was so interesting to watch. It flew with its' legs on the ground! The wind blows and the long, brown, weird- type feathers blow freely. I first thought: 'this is one of the ugliest birds I have ever seen in my life, it's as tall as a tree! From head to toe it has green, brown and blue feathers and weird, big, bulky feet, it's a wonder how it even goes a foot off of the ground... I really hope I never see this kind of bird again... I better go tell the others that a monster was born!!!

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