Wednesday 2 November 2011

A Tree's Perspective by # 21

I felt the vibration coming from the child's mouth as she climbed playfully around my branches. I sensed a tingle pass through my leaves as the child gradually got higher and higher. My roots got tense when the young girl suddenly began to jump from branch to branch. Clasping on to me every time she landed on a different limb.

The little girl slowly started to work her way down. I thank her oh so much, for not breaking any of my branches. As she reached about half way down, I finally allowed my roots to relax. The girl's feet melted onto the grass below in relief that she'd made her journey to the top of me and back safely. And now I will wait for the next climber.


  1. Awesome imagery! I like getting to see how a tree feels about someone climbing on him/her. I can tell you felt the tree's place you were in. Great Job! -Lizzie Rosen

  2. That must be a pretty nice tree. I wouldn't want anyone climbing on me... #223

  3. I love the word choice that you used for this! It was awesome!

  4. Like Lizzie said great imagery! I really liked it! -227

  5. WOW! I love the way you wrote this! The first sentence was amazing.


  6. Way to paint a picture in my mind! Great setting and imagery!-#213
